Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sleepless in Sioux City

I'm back to restless nights. Mostly because I've run out of my night time med that helps calm my thoughts and lets me finally get rest I deeply deserve. I stared up at the ceiling, trying to do breathing exercises to help me sleep, counting sheep, anything to help. But nothing worked.

I've been feeling good the last few days, but last night was a slight set back. I made a point to go out of my way to get on top of my issues for today. Like getting my meds switched over to Sioux City and what not.

I even went on a walk outside today. I had to call my mom and let her hear the wind over the phone so she'd get off my case about not working out to help defeat my depression. Regular exercise is helpful to those who suffer from depression. I just lack the motivation to get out and do it because I'm not a land person, I'm a swimmer till the end. I just have to suck it up.

Even though I didn't sleep last night, I still feel pretty good today. Maybe I just needed extra sunshine today.

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