Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Hey there folks out in the "blogesphere".

My name is Kelsey and I'm 21.
I love the color Red.
I'm a senior in college.
I like flowers.

Alright, now that the semantics are over, let's get down to the real stuff.  I'm writing this blog because I have been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder. In all actuality that's not news to me, but whatever. I'm doing this I have an outlet and can "express myself".

But seriously folks. I'm writing so that maybe out in internet-land, I could help someone with my past. I'm not perfect, my siblings like to remind me of that constantly. (Still love them though)

I just want to let people out there know, they're not alone.

Shit happens, to everyone. It just depends on how you deal with it.

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