Saturday, February 18, 2012

Inner Battles

Lately I've been having some personal battles. In regards that I'm having a inner-monologue type of battles. I need to make some real changes in my life if I ever expect to get better.

I need to focus on my goals and actually achieve them.  And not half-assed, I want to feel like I actually achieved something. Be it in regards to my degree, or in my personal life.

I need to take a real look at my life and make the decision on if I want to continue on this path of self destruction or the path to where I won't be setting myself up for failure.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you are going through Kelsey but just remember you have people you love and care for you. Your family and friends are always there for you. Sometimes you may not see the light at the end of the tunnel, but believe that the light is there and that every step you take is one step closer to reaching that light! Keep your head up girlie!
