Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I don't know

I'm not sure what to blog about today.

Things are going much better. Graduation is almost here. (9 weeks, not that I'm counting) I feel better everyday.

Yesterday I found out my therapist is quitting so I don't have a therapist anymore. That's kind of frustrating, but at the same time I don't want to break in a new therapist when I'm leaving soon. I see no point in filling out more paper work, waiting a few weeks till they find me someone to talk to, by then I'll only have a few weeks left and I'm out of Sioux City. 

Granted I don't feel that my therapy sessions go very well. I mean, we talk and everything, it just seems like nothing ground breaking occurs.

This makes me question my profession choices. I want to be a therapist that actually makes a difference. Not a therapist who does nothing. I want to make ground breaking achievements and actually do some good for my future patients.  I don't want to go through the motions.

It makes me nervous for the future. What if I don't succeed in my goals? Is it all for not? I don't know. I won't know unless I try.