Sunday, March 25, 2012

Burnt Out

Lately I've mentally checked out. I just want to be done with school. I've been burning my candle at both ends for too long. I just want to have some time off and not have anything to do. Soon. But not soon enough.

I just want to be done with everything. To crawl into my room and not leave for a few days. Let me read a book that's not required for class. Or watch movies that don't have some form of lecture to go with it. 

I just want me time that isn't invaded by homework, study guides or papers. 

Sure I've had "breaks" but they don't really count. I still had homework to do. I wasn't left to do nothing. 

Do nothing, that sounds wonderful. Just to sit and not have to worry about deadlines. Soon enough I'll have that. Then its off to the real world where I have to work full time, pay off student loans, pay rent. 

Is there ever a break?

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