Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Failure to Launch

Today I talked to my mom about being a failure. I feel like a failure because after May 19th I'm moving back to my home town and moving back in with my mom. This makes me feel like I didn't amount to anything.

My mom pointed out that I'm no where near being a failure. (Besides my brother already called dibs on being the family failure and would be pissed if I took that away from him.)

I'm graduating on time with two majors and a minor. I'm battling depression and making a point to never go back to the depths of hell that I have been pushing out of for the past few months. I'm passionate about working with people with disabilities and to make a difference.

I will make a difference. Why? Because I give a damn!

I care about people and I'm a big cog in a small wheel. I can make someones life better by the work I want to pursue.
So what if I don't get my masters degree in art therapy? It's just a tittle and a lot of money. I can do free lance work and still make a difference.

More people need to realize that it doesn't matter what is after your name as long as you have the passion for what you're doing and you are happy.

Happiness is all that matters.

I need to keep this in mind. I get all worked up over the small things that I forget to be happy.

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