Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Way

As I woke up this morning... Okay who am I kidding. I haven't gone to bed yet and it's 9:30 in the morning. Sleep is for the weak. But while I was in a caffeine induced cycle, it hit me that the end is near. Which proceeded to have My Way by Frank Sinatra start going in my head. My Way was my Nana's song. It speaks volumes to me.

The lyrics alone are how I feel. Nine days away until I take the final steps of my undergrad career and I walk across that stage and receive my diploma.

And I did it on my own. Sure I have the wonderful and loving support systems of family and friends behind me. But I actually did it. I got two degrees in four years. I fought internal demons and won. And through it all, I stood tall. (Well, as tall as one can be at only five feet high).

I'm pretty impressed with myself.

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