Sunday, May 6, 2012

I won't give up

I won't give up.

I can't give up.

I've come so far.

I think about giving up almost everyday. That doesn't make me weak. Life shouldn't be so hard. But I truly believe that we are given whatever we can handle. I'm a lot stronger than I give myself credit. I'm graduating from College May 19th. Not many people thought I could do it. But I did.

There were so many times that I would call my mom crying just wanting to be done. Not caring anymore. I've sat in my room and weighed the options of staying in school and they never seemed worth staying. But I did it.

Now, looking into possible grad schools for next year, it seems like I can't do that either. But I will. I can't give up. Maybe I'll change my mind and not be an art therapist. Maybe I'll go into Occupational Therapy (It's a thought Nessa, I don't know yet).

I want to make a difference in the world. I don't care if I'm never famous, or fabulously rich. I want to make some one's life matter to them. I have so much to give. So much to offer.

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