Sunday, April 15, 2012

Shattered Hopes

Recently I received the news that I won't be getting the dream job that I have been holding out for. This may not seem like a big deal to most people, and in fact most people wouldn't be so set back by it. But it put me in a whirlwind of negative emotions.

If I can't get a job that I am more than qualified for, would do amazing things for the company and create a future that would be so bright you'd need your sunglasses at night, then what am I doing in my field of study.

That seems over dramatic. But it's a big deal to me. I'm having a difficult time putting into words what I'm feeling without it being a big over dramatic rampage.

This was a serious blow to me mentally. I know I could have done wonderful things. No doubt about that. (That's not being egotistical, just facts)

It just sucks so much! I know I won't give up looking other places for the ideal job and getting out of college and having the ideal job would be unheard of. I know I need to work my way up and take on challenges. I'm not naive. I know I need to work for my career.

I was just hoping I was going to get the job that would have changed my world.

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